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Camiones mineros y camiones mineros subterráneos

02 16, 2021

El camión minero, un equipo resistente y duradero, desempeña un papel clave en las operaciones mineras. Por sí sola, asumió la responsabilidad de transportar recursos preciosos, como minerales y carbón, desde las entradas de las minas hasta los sitios de procesamiento o los puertos. Su funcionamiento eficiente permite que el desarrollo y la utilización de los recursos minerales se desarrollen sin problemas.

Los camiones mineros se dividen en dos tipos: sin volcado y con volcado automático, cada uno con sus propias características. Los camiones no volquete constan de uno o varios vagones, transportados con la ayuda de tractores u otros equipos, adecuados para distancias cortas o que no requieren descargas frecuentes. La ventaja de este camión minero es su estructura fuerte y duradera, que puede soportar las duras pruebas del entorno minero.

El camión minero volquete tiene una capacidad de descarga más conveniente y puede descargar automáticamente el mineral en el compartimiento, lo cual es adecuado para el transporte de larga distancia y la necesidad de ocasiones de descarga frecuentes. Su diseño de carro es razonable, puede descargar las mercancías de forma rápida y precisa y mejorar la eficiencia del transporte.

Al seleccionar camiones mineros, se deben considerar la situación real y las necesidades de transporte de la mina. Es necesario personalizar el vagón minero de acuerdo con el ancho de la mina, seleccionar el número y tamaño apropiado de los vagones, así como considerar factores como la capacidad de carga, la velocidad de conducción y la confiabilidad del camión. Sólo mediante una consideración exhaustiva podremos elegir el camión minero más adecuado.

 For the transportation of some dangerous goods, such as explosive dangerous goods, it is necessary to use special transport trucks that meet the requirements of explosion-proof and anti-static electricity. This kind of truck usually consists of two parts, the upper half is divided into dangerous goods storage cabinet, and the lower half is divided into transport trucks, which can meet the strict requirements of the mine for dangerous goods transportation. Its design is meticulous, to ensure the safety of the transportation process.

 In general, the mining truck plays an irreplaceable role in the mine operation, and it provides strong support for the development and utilization of mineral resources with its strong loading capacity and rugged characteristics. Whether they are non-dump or dump mining trucks, they all play an important role in their respective fields. At the same time, for the transport of dangerous goods, the emergence of special transport trucks is to provide a guarantee for the safe transport of the mine.
 Underground mining truck, a special truck specially designed for underground mine transport, is significantly different from the general road transport truck. It has strong horsepower, strong durability and strong loading capacity, so that it can also operate in the mine environment.
The carriage design of the underground mining car is unique, using its own gravity and hydraulic control reset, making loading and unloading more convenient. The engine drives the hydraulic pump through a transmission and load device to provide a steady stream of power to the entire hydraulic system. The hydraulic tipping mechanism of the carriage consists of precision components such as fuel tank, hydraulic pump, hydraulic distribution valve, lifting hydraulic cylinder, control valve and oil pipe, so that the carriage can easily cope with various operation needs.
When choosing underground mining trucks, the specific working conditions and requirements need to be fully considered. Factors such as transport distance, transport volume, road conditions, and the type of mine will all affect the choice of trucks. At the same time, the maintenance and maintenance of the truck is also crucial to ensure the safety and stable operation of the truck.
With its excellent performance and practicability, the underground mine transport truck has become the right-hand man of the underground mine operation. Whether it is long distance transportation or short distance operation, underground mining trucks can provide efficient, stable and reliable transportation services, which provides a strong guarantee for the smooth progress of mine operation.

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